Sudsapda would like to invite you to be a part of the 16th Sudsapda Kon Lor Kor Tam Dee “HAPPY GIVING” project.
Sudsapda would like to invite you to be a part of the 16th Sudsapda Kon Lor Kor Tam Dee “HAPPY GIVING” project.
The auction period starts from 27th February 2023 at 12.00 p.m. to 3rd March 2023 at 12:00 p.m. (GMT+7) (rely on staff’s bidding time).
- The T-shirt with autograph are unisex T-shirt in free-size (male and female), cannot specify the size.
- The auction starts from 499 Thai Baht. Minimum bidding is 100 Thai Baht per time from the lastest value.
- After the auction end, the winner will be the one who bid at the highest price of each actor. After we
announce the winner name list, the staff will contact the winner to verify an information. The winner have to pay
at the bidding amount before 4th March 2023 12.00 p.m. (GMT+7).
After verify the proof of payment, we will send the T-shirt to the winner via mail within 7 days.
If the winner does not make a payment in time, we will give the chance to the next bidder until we find
the bidder who makes a payment.
This auction will give a receipt to the winner bidder, and all of the money will be giving to the 16th Sudsapda
Kon Lor Kor Tam Dee“HAPPY GIVING” project.
In case the winner bidder bid as a team, the winner will have to submit only one person’s name for receiving
T-shirt to the staff within 1 day after the announcement of winner list.
- Each bidder can only bid for only one T-shirt.
- If the bidder do not complete the information as requested or violates the auction rules, the bidder will be
considered as a waiver by the staff without prior notice.The staff's decision is final.
How to join the auction
- Visit
Register for the auction by fill in all information to verify identity.
(For the staff to contact the winner bidder. If we can not contact the winner by the information
that be given, the bidder will be considered as a waiver.)
- Choose the actor that you want to bid for their autograph T-shirt.
- Please put the amount that you want to bid, minimum bidding must be higher than the latest value 100 Thai Baht
or more per time.
- Bidder can bid an unlimited number of times until the auction is end.
The person who does not register for the auction will not be able to bid for the T-shirt,
but they can view the auction status via our website during the auction time.